Monday, December 2, 2013

The Thrill of Action!

Let me just start out by saying that I literally hated the concept of action films. "Sweaty guys, explosions, and fist fights? Ew, no thank you,". But then I decided to give action films a shot, and guess who loved them?
The thrill, the escape from reality, the suspense, and the constant action make for a really great two hours.

There are a wide range of action films, some are just straight up mind boggling like Inception and the Matrix. Others are non-stop action like Triple X with Vin Diesel and the Die Hard movies. For the ladies and those who need a little less killing, there are a variety of action movies that involve romance such as the James Bond and Bourne films.

These films show that good tends to triumph over evil, and that heroes come in all forms. Of course, action films are the greatest at entertaining its audience till the last minute.
The Best of the Best
Okay, so now you know why I love action films, and I'm going to tell you my three favourites.

Trippy action scene from Inception
3. Inception. I still don't know what happened in that movie, but I love it. The weirdness of it all mixed with the fights and creative story line makes Inception a must see movie. Watch this to see Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen Page, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt use dreams to create their own reality.

2. Ocean's Eleven. I just saw this movie and it's literally one of the greatest movies I've ever seen. George Clooney and Brad Pitt stage a heist. The goal is to to rob the three most successful banks in all of Las Vegas with the help of ten other men. Very creative, interesting, and hilarious movie, that stars some of the most brilliant actors.

1.My favourite- The Bourne series. (Identity, Supremacy, and Ultimatum). These movies follow Jason
The romance mixed with the action attracts all audiences!
Bourne, an ex-assassin (played by the beautiful Matt Damon) through his struggle to uncover his identity after getting amnesia. They portray his inner good vs. evil and also show his love for Marie, a German girl he meets through his travels. Meanwhile, Bourne has secret government agencies after him. These films are full of strength, bravery, love, and are also very intelligent.

Well, there you have it; my three favourite action movies and why they rock! All three involve mind tricks which I love. The thrill, the suspense, the fights, and of course, the hot actors, all work together to create some kick ass movies!

BOO! How To Horror!

Makes you shiver with antici.....pation.
Before you start reading this, take a moment to go to this Youtube video and leave it playing in the background. Not only is this guy one of the greatest composers, this song fits the mood. Now... let's begin. *Evil laugh*. Horror films are thrilling tales. They send chills down your spine, leave you on the edge of your seat, and of course, keep you up at night. Whether it's all about the blood, anticipation, or psychological thrill, most horror movies follow specific codes and conventions that engage the audience and successfully creep us out!
Codes are symbols that are used to create meaning throughout a film, and conventions are actions or ways in which we do things that have become accepted as normal.

Looking cute, Regan!

First of all, let's focus on the scary costumes. If you think about it, most of the most loved horror movie villains are either masked or disfigured in some way. Mr. Krueger up there from Nightmare on Elm Street is clearly badly burned. Jason wears the popular ski mask in Friday the 13th. Even Regan, the demon-child from The Exorcist, gets gored up beyond recognition. 

Now let's listen to the music. That high pitched, fast paced, spooky, spine tingling piano and violin gets you every time, doesn't it? You always hear this kind of music just before something makes you jump. Here is an example of that from the movie The Shining. 

Take a second and think about where a lot of these horror films take place. They're usually in a secluded area, be it a forest or secluded house. Blair Witch Project, House on Haunted Hill, Friday the Thirteenth, and I Spit on Your Grave are just a few films that fit this popular convention.

Finally, I'd like to point out that a lot of horror films make the watcher go, "OH MY GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS ENDING!". ***Spoiler alert***Freddy and Jason always come back somehow, and then the movie ends. This can be seen here in the 2010 remake of Nightmare on Elm Street. At the end of Paranormal Activity, it's hard to believe that Katie killed Micah. At the end of "The Number 23", we see an enormous plot twist when it turns out it was Walter Sparrow the whole time.
Of course, these are just a handful of many codes and conventions that make a brilliant horror movie, but in my opinion, these specific examples set the mood and atmosphere of anticipation, hopelessness, and fear perfectly. Just remember... one, two, Freddy's coming for you...

The Waste Of Comedy

Many people love Comedy films, but these people tend to be extremely immature. For those of us that are a little more grown up, we can clearly see why comedy is for the childish ones.
Durrr... am I funny?

Comedy films glorify stupidity, as seen here in the well known film Napoleon Dynamite. This film is about a socially awkward teenager helping his friend win an election. How thrilling. (Not). Personally, I find nothing less funny than a teenager walking around looking like he just woke up from hibernation.

These comedic films are also great at using inappropriateness to try to get some laughs. Sex, alcohol, and other unmentionable things are popular topics in comedies, and are shown in a wide variety of comedic movies such as The Hangover and American Pie. Respectively, these movies are about the events that happen after a crazy night of drinking and teenage boys trying to lose their virginity.
To see more, watch the movie!
Although I've tried to avoid these types of movies, I've been exposed to enough to clearly see how the directors use sexualization and sheer stupidity to be "funny". Now, lets take a look at this scene from Stepbrothers. I walked in on my mother watching it once upon a time. I was horrified, she was mortified, and that was the end of that. Warning - 18+ viewer content. I used the Harlem Shake video as an attempt to make the video slightly more funny, to no avail.

Now you know why comedy films are a waste of time; they're full of stupidity, inappropriateness, and stink of desperation due to forceful funniness. People need to be exposed to movies that have actual meaning and a decent message, not the immature, simply ridiculous themes that are brought to you by comedy films.