Monday, December 2, 2013

The Thrill of Action!

Let me just start out by saying that I literally hated the concept of action films. "Sweaty guys, explosions, and fist fights? Ew, no thank you,". But then I decided to give action films a shot, and guess who loved them?
The thrill, the escape from reality, the suspense, and the constant action make for a really great two hours.

There are a wide range of action films, some are just straight up mind boggling like Inception and the Matrix. Others are non-stop action like Triple X with Vin Diesel and the Die Hard movies. For the ladies and those who need a little less killing, there are a variety of action movies that involve romance such as the James Bond and Bourne films.

These films show that good tends to triumph over evil, and that heroes come in all forms. Of course, action films are the greatest at entertaining its audience till the last minute.
The Best of the Best
Okay, so now you know why I love action films, and I'm going to tell you my three favourites.

Trippy action scene from Inception
3. Inception. I still don't know what happened in that movie, but I love it. The weirdness of it all mixed with the fights and creative story line makes Inception a must see movie. Watch this to see Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen Page, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt use dreams to create their own reality.

2. Ocean's Eleven. I just saw this movie and it's literally one of the greatest movies I've ever seen. George Clooney and Brad Pitt stage a heist. The goal is to to rob the three most successful banks in all of Las Vegas with the help of ten other men. Very creative, interesting, and hilarious movie, that stars some of the most brilliant actors.

1.My favourite- The Bourne series. (Identity, Supremacy, and Ultimatum). These movies follow Jason
The romance mixed with the action attracts all audiences!
Bourne, an ex-assassin (played by the beautiful Matt Damon) through his struggle to uncover his identity after getting amnesia. They portray his inner good vs. evil and also show his love for Marie, a German girl he meets through his travels. Meanwhile, Bourne has secret government agencies after him. These films are full of strength, bravery, love, and are also very intelligent.

Well, there you have it; my three favourite action movies and why they rock! All three involve mind tricks which I love. The thrill, the suspense, the fights, and of course, the hot actors, all work together to create some kick ass movies!

1 comment:

  1. Hello my little dumpling! I absolutely love your take on action movies. Everything your saying is absolutely correct! Action movies hold something for everyone (and the explosions are pretty epic xD ). Keep up the good work!

    P.S. I love your choice of movies c:
